
March 18, 2015

Homestyle Rajma Masala Curry | Step by Step Recipe

We are a family of dal-lovers. We were a family who took many short road-trips, to be out of the city and to get some fresh air into our lungs. It was during one of those trips at a roadside dhaba, I ate the most flavorful and simply-made bowl of rajma with fresh roti from a tandoor. It was all that it promised - creamy, not-too-spicy and with a big dollop of cream & fried chilli on top. I was an enthusiastic 11-year old, discovering new food (with the help of my mother) and that combination simply bowled me over. I still remember my school friends from Northern part of India just couldn't understand the zealousness and what was such a big deal about it!. Till today, the memories of that first bite are fresh and this recipe for red beans curry with rice or bread is (and will be) my absolute definition for comfort food. Enjoy!

This recipe is an entry to My Legume Love Affair # 81, hosted this month by me. Have you sent yours yet?

Update: Here is a lovely roundup of all recipes submitted to MLLA 81.

March 10, 2015

{Update} on Vaidehi Ashram Fund Distribution [March 2015]

It has been quite sometime that I posted an update on Vaidehi Ashram. Life in general got extremely busy (read as chaotic), pushing everything else into the back burner. Honestly though, there has been not a single day when I don't think of these kids at the ashram. Now, thanks to my mother, I could coordinate and disburse about 50,000 Rupees for their monthly groceries. The ashram currently is giving shelter and a chance to lead a better life for about 120+ girls (from ages 3 to 21 years) and providing 3 square meals a day is a necessity. A big thanks to the generosity of these awesome people out there and the trust they have in me to help out these kids. The remaining amount (~ Rs 50,000) is being planned to spend as their monthly schools fees in the month of May 2015.

All the photographs used in the post have been taken by my mother using her phone. I think she did a hell of a good job capturing the true essence of the visit. Bonus: My driver took a video too. Check it out at the end of this post. :-)

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came forward to help these kids at the ashram.