
December 30, 2017

Top 10 Food Memories of 2017 + Buttermilk Kootu Recipe (Vegetable Buttermilk Stew)

Phew! there it is. an end of 2017. an end to an year I quickly want to forget and erase from my memory. Though the year started on a positive note, it quickly took a nose dive and by the end it felt like an unintentionally long and painful roller coaster ride. Amidst all this chaos, the blog took a big hit and I no longer felt like cooking or writing elaborate posts. I am super active on Instagram though and the only two positive things I will remember 2017 for are: my love for watercolor and how I found support from my bullet journal. Rest all let's say - it feels good to be forgotten. :-) 

There were a few moments though during the year, here and there where I took a few photographs of food and also tried a new recipe from Chandra Padmanabhan's book - Dakshin: Vegetarian Cuisine From South which you can find at the end of the post. As always, I have grand plans for self and for my hobbies in the coming year and only time will tell on how far I will be able to execute on them. For now, here are Top 10 food memories of 2017 I want to share with you all. 

Happy Holidays and Wishing you all a Joyous 2018 ahead! May the force be with you!

Happy Holidays! more watercolor artwork here on my other blog.

June 3, 2017

Freezer Cleanup Thali and MLLA Recipe

It never goes away! - the nagging feeling that I am ignoring this blog and not being consistent in writing about what I love the most: F.O.O.D. The problem is I have not been cooking anything fancy or blog-worthy. Just basic meals like quick curries and lightly tempered dals with our usual rice. Another reason might be that these days I am into other interests like doodling (check out my #100DaysofDoodles project) and hand lettering. With a 9 to 5 job and a 3 hour commute to work, there is little time to spare and most of the times you will find me quietly sitting in a corner, with pen & paper in hand. :-)

..and what prompted me to publish a post is today's lunch which was all about emptying fridge/freezer as much as possible. Here is what I made just an hour ago....

April 30, 2017

My Legume Love Affair (MLLA) 107th Edition

ello lovely people! it is that time of the year again where I am hosting my favorite event in the entire blog-o-sphere: Lisa's My Legume Love Affair. :-) May 2017 marks its 107th edition and I want you guys to get those aprons on, to rock & roll and to celebrate the goodness and versatility of our lovely legumes!

Rules are pretty much the same and once your recipe is posted, add the URL using the Linky tool attached to the end of this post.. Non-bloggers can participate too. Details inside the post. I can't wait to see your recipe entries all month long. Happy Cooking!

March 20, 2017

How To Make Fresh Tomato Basil Sauce Recipe

It was a balmy Sunday morning yesterday where I woke as usual, all geared up to get a few things done on my todo list and was sipping my morning tea when a realization hit like a thunder. If I do my math right, the year 2007 was when I first started blogging; that means this year marks the 10th year anniversary of my food blogging. OMG! 10 years? I have never done anything consistent for that long, ever. I am known to my friends and family to feel super excited about something and getting easily bored after an year or two. No! I thought. I can't abandon my blog anymore. Blogging has given me a sense of purpose when I needed the most, good friends who saw me stumble & grow and gave many cherished memories that still make me smile. I promised myself to blog consistently from now onwards.

I might not be blogging since past few months but I have been active on Instagram where I am sharing my adventures with latest love - Bullet Journalling. In the kitchen, my meals these days are quick and make ahead like today's recipe - Fresh Tomato Basil Sauce, which can be used in a number of different ways like pasta sauce, pizza sauce or even as a base for a quick soup. Make a big batch, store and enjoy. Happy Cooking!

How to make Fresh Tomato Basil Sauce Recipe

March 1, 2017

My Legume Love Affair 104 Roundup

..and just like that February 2017 came to an end and it is time to look at some amazing entries for My Legume Love Affair 104. Thank you all for your participation. Firstly, my apologies for not able to participate with any of my own recipe. Work has become incredibly hectic and once I reach home, all I do is have a quick dinner and hit the sack. There were days when I slept at 8:30 pm, only to feel groggy & tired even after a good night's sleep. Ok! enough of my boring life. Shall we jump into the lovely recipes received including one from a non-blogger - Teja.

Happy Cooking!

January 28, 2017

My Legume Love Affair (MLLA) 104th Edition

Hello lovely people! I know things have been pretty quiet in this corner of web world and I blame my incapability to manage work, home life and other hobbies as the main reason. I have been active on Instagram though as photo-blogging is so much easier than a proper blogpost. But, I promise to be more proactive in spending some time on blogging from now on. My mojo for cooking and trying new recipes hasn't changed though. It is just the photographing, editing, writing and publishing a post that takes a lot more effort. Probably, if I make things simple like using phone pics and write my thoughts on easy, every day recipes, then blogging might become much more manageable. Don't you think? While I ponder on that thought, I want to first kick things off for this year by hosting my favorite event in the entire blog-o-sphere: Lisa's My Legume Love Affair. February marks its 104th edition and now are you guys ready to get those aprons on, to rock & roll and to celebrate the goodness and versatility of our lovely legumes!

Rules are pretty much the same and once your recipe is posted, add the URL using the Linky tool attached to the end of this post.. Non-bloggers can participate too. Details inside the post. I can't wait to see your recipe entries all month long. Yay!.