
January 28, 2017

My Legume Love Affair (MLLA) 104th Edition

Hello lovely people! I know things have been pretty quiet in this corner of web world and I blame my incapability to manage work, home life and other hobbies as the main reason. I have been active on Instagram though as photo-blogging is so much easier than a proper blogpost. But, I promise to be more proactive in spending some time on blogging from now on. My mojo for cooking and trying new recipes hasn't changed though. It is just the photographing, editing, writing and publishing a post that takes a lot more effort. Probably, if I make things simple like using phone pics and write my thoughts on easy, every day recipes, then blogging might become much more manageable. Don't you think? While I ponder on that thought, I want to first kick things off for this year by hosting my favorite event in the entire blog-o-sphere: Lisa's My Legume Love Affair. February marks its 104th edition and now are you guys ready to get those aprons on, to rock & roll and to celebrate the goodness and versatility of our lovely legumes!

Rules are pretty much the same and once your recipe is posted, add the URL using the Linky tool attached to the end of this post.. Non-bloggers can participate too. Details inside the post. I can't wait to see your recipe entries all month long. Yay!.