
September 16, 2015

Three Things Thursday | Week 1

I always had this desire to share my thoughts beyond just food, here on this blog. Being a true Libran, I get easily bored with regularities of Life and my mind is always buzzing with new ideas/projects to try. For the first time, when I stumbled upon a post called Three Things Thursday on Dixya's blog, I was curious to know what was this meme all about. Turns out, the concept is as simple as the name suggests - to share three things every thursday. It is hosted by lovely Raj from Pink Chai Living, Nisha from Love Laugh Mirch, & Salma from The Write Balance.

Now, wouldn't that be interesting, to just pause for a moment and appreciate little aspects of our mundane days.

Here are my #3ThingsThursday.

[1] Birthday One: To all who are celebrating - Happy Vinayaka Chavithi. Today is the day when Lord Ganesha was born. So, here's Wishing him a Happy Birthday too! Last weekend when we went to one of our friend's house warming party, I saw this lemon shaped in the form of our beloved Elephant God. Do you see what I see - the flappy ears and the long trunk? Incredible. Right?

[2] Birthday Two: Speaking of birthdays, one of my favorite authors celebrated her 125th birthday on September 15th 2015. It was none other than Agatha Christie, who created some enigmatic characters like Hercule Poirot. Did you know she is widely acknowledged as the best-selling author in the world after Shakespeare. Right now, as I type this post, I have my nose deep in one of her most popular murder mysteries - 'And There Were None'. 

[3] Zentangle: One of the hobbies I picked up during my time in New York is Zentangle. It was by pure coincidence that I was aimlessly strolling through Barnes & Noble one day and spotted a project kit on tangling. One thing lead to another and now the hobby has become an integral part of my life. It feels so good to get lost in creating a simple illustration with a few dots, lines and circles. If you are looking for any meditative hobby, I would highly recommend Zentangle. 

Zentangle Illustration by yours truly

I’d love hear your #3ThingsThursday! It’s very simple to join in the fun. Write a blog post about three things you want to share. Make sure to link back to either Salma or Raj or Nisha. Then click on the linky on their blogs to add your post. It’s just that easy.

See you all with a recipe next week.


What is most interesting thing that happened to you this week?
What is your favorite Agatha Christie book?
Do you have any new hobbies that you picked up recently?


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until next time,


  1. I think it's great to go outside the box Siri! That lemon really does look like an elephant, wow! And Zentangle seems really interesting! Happy to have you linking up to 3 Things Thursday.

  2. i enjoy sharing things outside food as glad you are part of 3 things thursday.also..south asian blogger network is pretty awesome group of people :)

  3. Thanks for joining the link up Siri, it's lovely to connect with new people! That lime really does look like Bappa :) Reminded me a little of the aloo that Akshay had in the movie Chandni Chowk to China!


'Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it' ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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