
October 11, 2010

[Farmer's Market Series # 1] Mountain View, California and Mutter Paneer Tava fry Recipe

Fall is here and so are the bounty full of beautiful fruits and vegetables in the markets. No, I am not talking about the Super markets like this & this where water is sprinkled all-day-long to give a fake-fresh-look to the fruits & vegetables. Yes, I am talking about our age old 'Farmer's Market' where we get to see & meet the *real people* who have grown the produce. It has been almost 2 weeks that we moved to Mountain View & it was time for us to check out its popular Farmer's Market, which is open only from 9am to 1pm, every Sunday.

Make sure you have lots of cash & a recyclable (optional, just make you feel more greener) bag to fill up the produce before you hit the market. You get almost everything here - from the freshly baked bread to juiciest & sweetest asian pears to squeezed pomegranate juice, in its purest form (with no added sugar).

All those who are enthusiastic about gardening can pick up fresh herbs for a very reasonable price to grow in your balconies or backyards and if you wish to know tips & tricks about how to grow them, all you need to do ask the guy there. He will be more than happy to share all his trade secrets with a huge smile on his face. :)

Hitting early to the market is a good idea as then you can have the best ones to choose from. Also, almost every stall has free samples of their produce, so don't have your breakfast. *wink*. Trust me, by the time you reach the last stall, you will burp with contentment.

Fresh basil and an my invisible foodie-mate, standing right beside me was screaming for some home-made pesto.!

a variety of peppers, almost in every color. Beautiful.

These sun-dried apricots were absolutely delish.

As we were running low on cash this time, we didn't shop around much at Farmer's market. Next week, we are determined to get lots of stuff. I will take some pictures then and share with you all. 

Inspired by her raw vegan challenge, WE have decided to eat raw food at least once a day, from next week onwards to kind to detoxify our bodies. A challenge we have never done before. So, wish us all the very best and I will keep you posted about our progress. :)

Today's dish (not a recipe per say) as simple as it can get. I had some fresh peas to be finished off and a half a cube of paneer & no tomatoes. (this was before I hit the market). I have never had a Mutter Paneer without tomatoes, meaning I always had with a gravy-like consistency. Out of the whim, I served this with some rotis and raita on the side. It was absolutely delish. Its kinda a funny how things just fall into place when cooking up a recipe, Isn't it. :)

Mutter Paneer Tava fry

In a pan, heat some oil and add chopped onions. Saute until translucent and then drop paneer cubes & peas together. Cook for 5-6 minutes. Season with salt, red chilli powder and some garam masala. Garnish with cilantro and squeeze some lemon juice at the very end. Serve.


  1. I love the farmers market and I visit it every tuesday at my place. Nice photos Siri.

  2. farm pics are so good,..matar paneer looks yum...

  3. Is this near the train station? I lived there for 3 months :) in 2006

  4. Beautiful clicks, feel like going through the farmer's market, loved those beautiful looking basils..Matar paneer looks extremely tempting!

  5. Woww.. looks awesome and delicious.. cute click.. :)

  6. Mutter Paneer looks selicious...

  7. Thanks Divya & notyet100. :)

    Nandu - Yup. this one is near the Mountain View Caltrain station. Wow, you did stay here?. Awesome.

  8. Thanks J.

    Priya - the basil was the best part of the visit Priya. It was so fresh & fragrant. will surely make pesto soon.

    Parad - Thanks.

    Swapna - Thank you.

  9. Thanks for a very nice post Siri!! I miss visiting the farmer's market here.
    Thanks for the Mutter Paneer Tava fry. Looks delish.
    Hope you post some pics and recipe of Pesto when you make it :)

  10. Matar Paneer looks very tempting...perfect for rotis

  11. I love the photos of the farmers market! Makes the farmers market here look not so awesome now. Hehe the variety of peppers is just mind boggling.

  12. I envy people living in CA. The produce and year round Farmer's market is so much fun. I love you tava mutter paneer fry.


'Thought is the blossom; language the bud; action the fruit behind it' ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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